Thursday, October 31, 2013

Polyxena: A Story of Troy by H. Allenger - Win a $25 Amazon Gift Card!


After Polyxena, daughter of King Priam of Troy, is chosen as Neoptolemus’s love interest, she embarks on a journey of self-discovery that leads to a surprising conclusion about her destiny. Troy has just fallen, leaving the city in ruins and at the mercy of the Greeks. Neoptolemus has claimed the daughter of the now-deceased King Priam of Troy as his love prize. After she rejects his advances, he angrily contrives a story that dooms the ill-fated Polyxena. She knows what she must do to survive, but unfortunately, she cannot change her destiny. Polyxena is mortified that Neoptolemus has fallen in love with her, for this means she must die at the commemoration rites for his father. As Polyxena prepares for the inevitable, she reflects over the past year, relating her thoughts to Aphrodite, the goddess she believes is responsible for orchestrating the events that have beleaguered her. As she tries to make sense of it all, Polyxena converses with all the well-known personages associated with the Trojan myth—Achilles, Agamemnon, Cassandra, Helen, and many others—while seeking solace in the hope that her existence has not been futile. In this moving story of forbidden love, a young woman unwittingly becomes intertwined in the romantic legacy surrounding Troy, embarking on a journey of self-discovery that leads her to a surprising conclusion about the life she has lived.

Purchase your copy:



H. Allenger earned a BA in public administration and an MA in international relations. After thirty-one years with the Seattle School District, he is now retired and pursuing his true passions, which include mythology, archaeology, and writing. He currently resides in Seattle, Washington, and enjoys traveling the world.

Win a $25 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash!

Terms & Conditions:
  • By entering the giveaway, you are confirming you are at least 18 years old.
  • One winner will be chosen via Rafflecopter to receive one $25 Amazon Gift Certificate or Paypal Cash.
  • This giveaway begins October 21 - November 1.
  • Winners will be contacted via email on Saturday November 2, 2013.
  • Winner has 48 hours to reply.
Good luck everyone!


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Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Never Giving Up & Never Wanting To by Barry Tutor Book Blast



Like most, I knew about Alzheimer’s disease. It causes old people to forget. When my relationship with this disease began, it highlighted how little I knew. Following my widowed mother’s Alzheimer’s diagnosis, I researched this disease to gain insight about my new role as her caregiver and decision maker. What I learned and experienced during her affliction still left me somewhat unprepared for what was yet to come. Sixteen months following my mother’s diagnosis, my dear wife and best friend was diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer’s. Though now I was familiar with this silent killer, my wife’s diagnosis set into motion many changes and challenges in our lives. Someone is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s every sixty-eight seconds. Currently, Alzheimer’s is the only disease in the top-ten causes of death that is on the increase and has no means of prevention and no possible cure. Given these facts, support for those afflicted relies on increasing levels of caregiving as the disease progresses. Let me explain something about this “old folk’s disease.” Alzheimer’s affects more than just parents and grandparents. It is also the disease of siblings, spouses, and children. Alzheimer’s forces many families to decide between home versus institutional care. An estimated fifteen million caregivers provide some level of care to the Alzheimer’s victims still living at home. No matter what level of care you are providing, the importance of preparation is paramount. Arming yourself with knowledge begins that preparation process. I was unprepared for the roller-coaster ride my life became as the sole caregiver for two Alzheimer’s victims. To meet their varied challenges, I adapted and developed multiple techniques for targeted personalized care. If only I knew then what I know now. By sharing my knowledge and experience, I hope to better prepare you for your caregiving journey.

Purchase your copy:

Trafford Publishing



As a lifetime problem-solver, I faced the challenges of caring for my two AD victims by researching the disease and developing caregiving skills to assure their comfort and care.

Win a $25 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash!

Terms & Conditions:
  • By entering the giveaway, you are confirming you are at least 18 years old.
  • One winner will be chosen via Rafflecopter to receive one $25 Amazon Gift Certificate or Paypal Cash.
  • This giveaway begins October 21 - November 1.
  • Winners will be contacted via email on Saturday November 2, 2013.
  • Winner has 48 hours to reply.
Good luck everyone!


blog tour schedule
October 21
October 22
October 23
October 24
October 25
October 28
October 29
October 30
October 31
November 1
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Monday, October 28, 2013

Blog Tour: Interview with Keith Domingue, author of 'Luthecker'

Keith Domingue is a screenwriter living in Los Angeles, and has written scripts for MGM Studios, Dimension Films, and Village Roadshow Pictures. His first original screenplay ONE THIRD, is being produced by Safady Entertainment and Lions Gate Films, and is scheduled to begin production in 2014.  LUTHECKER is his first novel. Connect & socialize with Keith on FACEBOOK.

About the Book:

ALEX LUTHECKER lives off of the grid. He prefers the comfort of the night. He avoids the crowded and chaotic daylight hours, because the relentless anxieties of the multitudes overwhelm him. This is because Alex has a rare gift. He is a pattern reader. Patterns in nature, patterns in social groups, patterns in individual
behavior, he can recognize them all. With one conversation, he knows all of your secrets. He can tell you exactly who you are. He can tell you exactly how your life is going to end.
For Alex, it’s not magic. It’s math.
NICOLE ELLIS works in the energy business. She trades futures in the lifeblood of civilization: crude oil. With the help of her patented pattern recognition software, PHOEBE, she has the uncanny ability to predict trends in oil production and consumption. And at the tender age of twenty-five, she is recognized as one of the best in the business, with the bank account to show for it.
For Nicole, who grew up with nothing, the world is hers.
RICHARD BROWN was a highly respected intelligence officer during both Gulf Wars. He oversaw rendition squads, making sure that his interrogators didn’t cross the line into torture, and if they did, that no one would ever be the wiser. The only thing that mattered to the government was that Brown always got his man. His track record of success allowed his move into the private sector, eventually heading the corporate entity known as Coalition Properties, the largest military contractor in U.S. history.
For Brown, the commodity he trades and sells is power.
A terrorist attack on a Saudi oil refinery sets the paths of all three on a collision course, an encounter that threatens to upset the balance of power in the world. Alex must learn to forge relationships and become a leader in order to save the lives of not only himself and Nicole, but also those of his loose band of allies, as he becomes one of the most sought after fugitives in history.
Purchase your copy at AMAZON.   

Thank you for this interview!  I’d like to know more about you as a person first.  What do you do when you’re not writing?

I’m usually at the gym.  In addition to writing, I also have a private practice in the post rehab and fitness field.

When did you start writing?

I started as a screenwriter roughly twelve years ago.  I’ve been fortunate enough to work for film studios such as MGM, Dimension Films, and Village Roadshow Pictures.  LUTHECKER is my first novel.

As a published author, what would you say was the most pivotal point of your writing life?

Most pivotal point would be my first for hire writing assignment.  It was the first time I truly felt like a “pro.”  The next would be the response I got from reviewers from my novel.  I was flattered and honored by their praise.  It was the first time I felt like a true “writer.”

If you could go anywhere in the world to start writing your next book, where would that be and why?

China, and by extension, Tibet.  I’m currently writing the sequel to LUTHECKER, and part of it takes place in that region of the world.  I find it’s history quite fascinating.  I am in hopes to one day visit.

If you had 4 hours of extra time today, what would you do?

I guess more of everything.  I think the goldfish / fishbowl principle applies here.  As in, the more time you have, the more you find things to fill it with.

Where would you like to set a story that you haven’t done yet?

Japan, at the height of the Samurai era.  I studied martial arts for over fifteen years, and love the concept of singular devotion to a craft or a belief, and the idea that it has great honor.  It an entirely foreign concept to Western culture.

Back to your present book, Luthecker, how did you publish it?

I decided to publish it myself.  One of the reasons that I wrote a novel, in all candor, was freedom to do exactly what I wanted, uninfluenced by any “gatekeepers.”  I wanted nothing to stand between my story and readers.  I would let them to decide whether or not I had written a good story.  And I would accept their verdict, either way.  I’ve been honored by the reviews thus far.  And grateful.  It was the best decision I could have ever made. 

In writing your book, did you travel anywhere for research?

Only via Google!  Perhaps next time…

Why was writing Luthecker so important to you?

I needed to know if I could do it.  I needed to know if I could entertain at that level. It would either be a confidence booster or a soul crusher.  I’m very relieved that it turned out to be the former, not the latter!

Where do you get your best ideas and why do you think that is?

By reading, by interacting with others, by exploring the world.  Around every corner there is a story. 

Any final words?

Thank any and all who took interest in this interview.  And check out the reviews of LUTHECKER on Amazon, I hope you’ll give my novel a try! 
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The Seacrest by Aaron Paul Lazar

About the Book:

They say it’s better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.

Finn McGraw disagrees.

He was just seventeen when he had a torrid summer affair with the girl who stole his heart—and then inexplicably turned on him. Finn may have moved on with his life, but he’s never forgotten her.

Now, ten years later, he’s got more than his lost love to worry about. A horrific accident turns his life upside down, resurrecting the ghosts of his long-dead family and taking the lives of the few people he has left.

Finn always believed his estranged brother was responsible for the fire that killed their family—but an unexpected inheritance with a mystery attached throws everything he knows into doubt.

And on top of that, the beguiling daughter of his wealthy employer has secrets of her own. But the closer he gets, the harder she pushes him away.

The Seacrest is a story of intrigue and betrayal, of secrets and second chances—and above all, of a love that never dies.

Buy Links:
Smashwords ISBN: 9781301029730 
Amazon Print: ISBN-13: 978-1493548675 ; ISBN-10: 1493548670 (coming soon)

About the Author:

Aaron Paul Lazar writes to soothe his soul. An award-winning, bestselling Kindle author of three addictive mystery series, writing books, and a new love story, Aaron enjoys the Genesee Valley countryside in upstate New York, where his characters embrace life, play with their dogs and grandkids, grow sumptuous gardens, and chase bad guys. Visit his website at and watch for his upcoming releases THE SEACREST (2013), SANCTUARY (2014), and VIRTUOSO (2014).

Online Links:

·         Blog1
·         Blog2
·         Facebook1  (personal page)
·         Facebook2  (author page)
·         Goodreads

Excerpts from The Seacrest by Aaron Paul Lazar, copyright 2013

Excerpt 1

July 2, 2013
Life can change in the blink of an eye. This blink came when a cop car cruised up The Seacrest’s white shell driveway on a hot Saturday in July.
I’ll never forget the moment. You know how folks remember where they were when John Lennon died? Or when President Kennedy was assassinated? It was like that, every detail stamped into my brain, forever.
A fresh breeze laden with the scent of the sea rustled blue flowers in a nearby hydrangea hedge. Hot and sweaty, I stood in the blazing sun, feeling like a fool. I’d just finished weed wacking around the paddock fence posts. Unfortunately, said weed wacker had spooked Libby Vanderhorn’s favorite mare, Serendipity, who I secretly called Dippy, because she was such a loose cannon. She’d bucked three times and knocking down several fence boards. Libby was a good rider, but this time she’d landed in a sprawling heap on the soft dirt, swearing at me.
The boss’s gorgeous, stuck-up daughter didn’t mince words, and the sting of her accusations still sounded in my head. How stupid can you be, Finn? What’s wrong with you?
Libby’s father held great power on Cape Cod. Rudolph Vanderhorn sat on so many boards, I’d lost count. His father’s fish canning company made a fortune back in the eighties, and he and his daughter had enjoyed the spoils ever since.
I stooped to pick up a hammer from my toolbox, planning to reattach the fence boards before any of Libby’s horses got hurt on the protruding nails. Curious now, I watched the Brewster Police car circle the long drive, heading toward the mansion. The local authorities stopped by every few days to discuss town matters with my boss. But today the blue light was flashing, which didn’t look like a casual visit.
A shudder went through me, and I turned cold. Something bad had happened. I sensed it.

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Trudy by C.S. Ross Book Blast - Win a $25 Amazon Gift Card!


This is a story of a washed – up detective who can’t resist trying to solve a mystery. In spite of trying to stay out of other people’s business, this character always manages to get tangled up anyway. Without trying the detective gets involved in the life of a little girl who just happens to be the sole hair to her family fortune. And, where there’s a lot of money involved, there’s always some sleazy characters trying to get their hands on it. The story takes some unexpected twists and turns as our hero tries to remain unnoticed by the press and his former associates. Follow our hero through unexpected events and unwanted danger. Sometimes you’ll laugh, sometimes you’ll cry but you won’t have time to get bored. In this story, each day’s a chapter and each chapter’s another mess out hero manages to fall into.

Purchase your copy:



The author was born and raised in the hills of Pennsylvania. Graduated High School and moved to Ohio. Married, two children. Taught Ballroom dance and gymnastics. Moved to Michigan, graduated from Eastern Michigan with a Bachelor of Arts in Telecommunications. Worked for a cable television station before turning to writing novels.

Win a $25 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash!

Terms & Conditions:
  • By entering the giveaway, you are confirming you are at least 18 years old.
  • One winner will be chosen via Rafflecopter to receive one $25 Amazon Gift Certificate or Paypal Cash.
  • This giveaway begins October 21 - November 1.
  • Winners will be contacted via email on Saturday November 2, 2013.
  • Winner has 48 hours to reply.
Good luck everyone!


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Friday, October 25, 2013

Book Blast: Phoenix by Lilliana Anderson

Title: Phoenix: The Beauty in Between Genre: New Adult Contemporary Romance Author: Lilliana Anderson Publisher: Lilliana Anderson Pages: 208 Language: English
After being unceremoniously kicked out of home at a young age, Paige was forced to fend for herself.
In a bid to survive, she did things that most people would never dream of, and stopped caring about herself as a result.

When the fastest way to get food and shelter was to sell her body, and the fastest way to forget was to take drugs, Paige embarked and a steady downward spiral. Until, finally she hit rock bottom…

In A Beautiful Forever we got to know Paige as she battled the demons of her past to move forward with her future and find her happy ever after. Now, in Phoenix, we get to see the moments those demons were created and how she managed to get her life back on track.

Purchase your copy at AMAZON

About the Author

 Bestselling author of the A Beautiful series, Alter and the Confidante Trilogy, Lilliana has always loved to read and write, considering it the best form of escapism that the world has to offer. 

Australian born and bred, she writes New Adult Romance revolving around her authentically Aussie characters as well as a biographical trilogy based on an ex-Sydney sex worker, named Angelien.

Lilliana feels that the world should see Australia for more than just its outback and tries to show characters in more of a city setting.

When she isn’t writing, she wears the hat of ‘wife and mother’ to her husband and four children.

Before Lilliana turned to writing, she worked in a variety of industries and studied humanities and communications before transferring to commerce/law at university.

Originally from Sydney’s Western suburbs, she currently lives a fairly quiet life in suburban Melbourne.

Her latest book is the new adult contemporary romance, Phoenix: The Beauty in Between.

You can visit her website at
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Save JFK: A Mission Thru Time by Armando Pazos Book Feature

The book opens on that tragic 22nd November 1963; when the body of President Kennedy arrived at Andrew’s air force from Dallas. The events surrounded his assassination are described by a young agent named Joe Randolph, leaving a profound mark on him for the rest of his life. Then the story goes fifty years into the future, to Thursday November 21, 2013, when the President of the United States is about to travel to Dallas, Texas, to preside over a ceremony commemorating the 50th Anniversary of President Kennedy’s assassination. The man in charge of the president’s Secret Service detail is advance agent Jack Randolph. A twenty-year veteran and a second generation of Secret Service agent; his father Joe was part of Kennedy’s detail on that tragic day in Dallas. Jack grew up, listening to his father saying, how they failed to protect Kennedy and how different life could be if he didn’t die on that day. That Thursday night, after midnight, Jack leaves home for the White House, in order to be ready for the next day's trip, but a heavy storm is pounding the DC area and on his way to the capital city; he is forced to change his normal route, due to an accident in the expressway. This leaves him no choice, but to take the Arlington Memorial Bridge. As he is crossing the bridge, lightning strikes right in front of his car, causing an amazing phenomenon; a portal opens in front of him, transporting Randolph back in time to the year 1963. Utterly bewildered, it takes some time for Randolph to finally realize and accept the fact that he has traveled in time to 1963, but as a man who believes in destiny, he is convinced that he is in that particular moment in time for a reason and what better reason than try to amend what his father couldn’t do, which is to save President Kennedy and try to change history. He is convinced that the only person who can ultimately do something to alter the outcome of this tragic event, is the president himself, so in order to accomplish this seemly impossible task, he has to get to him and somehow warning him of the imminent threat on his life. His first reaction is to look for his father and uncle, who by then were members of Kennedy’s Secret service detail and roommates, living in the Georgetown area. They are the only ones he trust can help him, but it would be a monumental challenge to convince them, first of who he is and second about what is going to happen to President Kennedy. Follow Jack Randolph in this amazing yet unbelievable adventure and find out, who else will help him to finally reach president Kennedy and if he will be able to accomplish what many people have only dreamed to do, which is, “Trying to change history”.

Purchase your copy:




A retired officer of the Peruvian Navy, Armando Pazos immigrated to California in the 80s and became a U.S. citizen. Inspired by his passion for history, he began writing fantasy action/adventure for teens and adults in 2002. He is the author of three novels for teens -- The Keymaster & the Music Box and The Ghost & the Sailor Chest, both fantasy/action-adventure stories for boys featuring Andy Logan, and a fairy tale, The Blind Princess. His historical fantasy/thriller for adults, Save JFK: A Mission thru Time, featuring time-traveling Secret Service agent Jack Randolph, is an e-book original on Amazon. The father to three children and a stepdaughter, he is married and now lives in New Jersey.

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Thursday, October 24, 2013

Interview with Mike Hartner, author of 'I, Walter'

Mike Hartner is a father, son, author, patriot, geek (ret), and husband.

His love of all things genealogical led him to writing, and writing has now led him to fiction and a large epic saga. 

He lives in Vancouver, BC with his wife and son.

His latest book is the historical romance, I, Walter.

Visit his website at

About the Book:

This is the life story of Walter Crofter, an English commoner who ran from home at the age of 11.  After two years living on the street, he ended up on a Merchant Mariners boat in the service of the Crown.

On his first voyage, he rescued a girl from pirates.  A very important girl, who stole his heart before she was returned to her home.

This is the story of his life.  What adventures he had at sea; what took him off the waters, and what happened to him as he lived his life and stayed true to his character.

Purchase your copy at AMAZON.

Thank you for this interview!  I’d like to know more about you as a person first.  What do you do when you’re not writing?

Cheerlead my son, and take care of my family

When did you start writing?

About 15 years ago when someone asked me to write down the adventures of a few ancestors.  I wrote three books on my genealogy, then turned to fiction when I found out about the history of another relative.

As a published author, what would you say was the most pivotal point of your writing life? 

Publishing, and putting the work out there for everyone to read and comment on.

If you could go anywhere in the world to start writing your next book, where would that be and why?

Maui, because I love the island, or England, because the next two books will be based in Great Britain

If you had 4 hours of extra time today, what would you do?

Ravish my wife, and write.

Where would you like to set a story that you haven’t done yet? 

Location is never an issue with me.

Back to your present book, I, Walter how did you publish it? 

I, Walter is self-published.

In writing your book, did you travel anywhere for research?


Why was writing I, Walter so important to you? 

Because appearances can deceive.  Everyone has their challenges in life.

Is the book always better than the movie?

Definitely.. the book can swat flies.

Where do you get your best ideas and why do you think that is?

From my Muse.  Because she is a wonderful being.

Any final words? 

My final words are thanks.  To Robert L. Bacon, a great author who gives back by being an EXCELLENT editor and mentor.  And to you, the reader, for all your wonderful reviews and comments, both in print and verbally.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
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Wednesday, October 23, 2013

{Blog Tour} Interview with Jess Money, author of 'Public Enemies'

We're happy to host political thriller author Jess Money on his Public Enemies blog tour with Pump Up Your Book today! Raised in a politically active family, Jess majored in Political Science with a minor in Economics. He sold his first magazine article at the age of 16 and has since written everything from ad copy and political mailers to a screenplay for DreamWorks, which earned him membership in the Writers Guild of America. Along the way he had a career in professional motorsports, worked with the U.S. Women's Olympic Volleyball program, managed two of the entertainment industry's most acclaimed screenwriting programs, and worked as a bar bouncer when that's what it took to keep the wolf from the door.

His latest book is the political thriller, Public Enemies.

You can visit Jess at

About the Book:

The only thing the elite fear, an uprising of the people, is about to be realized.

After bankruptcy took away his dying wife's medical care, Thomas Paine is on a crusade for a Second Bill of Rights using violence against politicians, banksters, and CEO's.

How far will FBI Agent Darren Medlin go to stop the public from joining Paine's insurgency? Forced to publicize Paine's demands, what decisions will talk show host Crystal Dickerson have to make? And which way will the country turn?

Purchase your copy at AMAZON

Thank you for this interview!  I’d like to know more about you as a person first.  What do you do when you’re not writing?

Right now I'm dealing with a back problem but normally I like to exercise -- lift weights, get on the treadmill -- or go down to the beach which, since I live in a beach community, isn't far away. I also like to watch good TV, whether it's MAD MEN or DOWNTON ABBEY or stuff on the History Channel, Discovery, or Nat Geo. And I'm a bit of a carpentry and cabinetry aficionado, so sometimes I do a little of that stuff.

When did you start writing?

I sold my first magazine article to the Southern California Automobile Club publication WESTWAYS when I was sixteen years old. By my first year in college I was either making my living or supplementing my living doing some kind of writing, everything from ad copy and political mailers to magazine articles.

As a published author, what would you say was the most pivotal point of your writing life?

My big break came about in curious fashion. While working on the fringe of the film business a friend introduced me to an extraordinary woman named Nance Mitchell. Years later I stumbled upon an idea for biopic about Marlene Dietrich. One of Nance's clients was Gwyneth Paltrow, who was born to play the role. Nance got the project directly to Paltrow who called her agent and said, "I want to do this." That not only got me the chance to write the script for DreamWorks but it got me into the Writer's Guild where I was fortunate to become friends with Amazon Best-Selling author Christiana Miller. Even thought the Dietrich project never made it to the screen, Christiana helped me navigate the shoals of the new world of self-publishing. And Dietrich's grandson, Peter Riva, became my agent and hopefully will someday be handling the sale of the PUBLIC ENEMY movie rights.

If you could go anywhere in the world to start writing your next book, where would that be and why?

I'm not sure that I could write a book if I went anyplace interesting, especially if I had the right woman with me. And I can't really think of anyplace that would set my creative juices flowing. Both of the next two book ideas I have are set right here in the U.S. However, the best script I have written so far is the adaptation of a true WWII story set in North Africa and I would love to see where it took place. Unfortunately, travel to that part of the world (specifically two countries) is a little dicey at the moment and I'm not sure that my sense of adventure has survived the mellowing of age.

If you had 4 hours of extra time today, what would you do?

I'd junk everything else I planned on doing, hop in the car and drive down to San Diego where my niece is having a bit of a tough time adjusting to college life all the way across the country from home. I'd take her out for ice cream, maybe a movie, and a stroll around campus or down to the beach.

Where would you like to set a story that you haven’t done yet?

As I mentioned in that previous question, all the current priority ideas I have are set here in America. However, I have an idea for a TV series that would be set in Washington, D.C.

Back to your present book, PUBLIC ENEMIES, how did you publish it?

I self-published it on Amazon, as an e-book on Kindle, a paperback (through Amazon's CreateSpace division), and it will be coming out in another few weeks in hardcover through Lulu (another Amazon affiliate).

In writing your book, did you travel anywhere for research?

No, but I drew on previous travels for many of the locations and location details that I used in the story. And I often used the web to supplant or expand what I already knew. Some locales in the book also have connections to one side or the other of my family.

Why was writing PUBLIC ENEMIES so important to you?

Because my ancestors served in the Revolutionary War and I guess it's part of my DNA to care about this country. This book gave me a great fiction vehicle in which to explore the issues of income inequality, the breakdown of the rule of law, and the rise of unchecked corporate power that make for a dangerous and scary future if not addressed.

Where do you get your best ideas and why do you think that is?

Honestly, if I knew the answer to those questions I would get more good ideas! I can honestly say that this is the first genuinely great fiction idea I've had. (And it has spawned an awesome idea for a sequel.) However, most often I'm drawn to stories about exceptional real live people. Two of the best screenplays I've written were about larger than life women.

Any final words?

Yes. Thank you for having me and I hope I'm Shelf-ish readers will decide to use the "Look In' widget to take my book for a test drive. If it doesn't hook them, then that's my fault.

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Run With the Wolves Volume One: The Pack by T c Tombs Book Blast - Win a $25 Amazon Gift Card!



It is the fifteenth century, and three kingdoms are caught up in the dire conflicts of their time. As the possibility of a peaceful resolution provides hope that a decade-long war will finally end, no one realizes that dark forces are waiting to invoke chaos as a full moon rises. On a farm nestled beneath the Euralene Mountains along the western border of Medinia, young Willie works for the Smythes as a serf. One moonlit evening when the Smythes are gone to a neighbouring village, Willie hears the terrified cries of animals in the pastures. When he goes to investigate, he discovers that this wolf pack attack is like no other. Badly injured during the raid, he survives—but now he is afflicted by the full-moon madness that will soon transform him into one of the wolf creatures he dreads. With his life seemingly warped forever, Willie must face the prospect of a lifelong descent into horror. In a time of witchcraft, superstitious folk lore, and fearsome creatures roaming the night, Willie struggles with an uncertain destiny and must seek help from the one man he holds most responsible for the dark fate that awaits him during the next full moon cycle. “Beware of the full moon. This one is for all of the werewolf lovers!” —Top Book Reviewers A well-written and addictive first novel. —Blue Ink Review A well-developed, tightly plotted fantasy; readers will want installments two and three. —Kirkus Reviews

Purchase your copy:




T c TOMBS earned degrees from Trent University and Wilfrid Laurier University in Canada. Like many Canadians, he loves hockey and golf, and he has a passion for medieval history, folk lore, literature, film, and music. Terry and his wife, Sandra, live in the Greater Toronto Area in Ontario, Canada, where they have raised five daughters.

Win a $25 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash!

Terms & Conditions:
  • By entering the giveaway, you are confirming you are at least 18 years old.
  • One winner will be chosen via Rafflecopter to receive one $25 Amazon Gift Certificate or Paypal Cash.
  • This giveaway begins October 21 - November 1.
  • Winners will be contacted via email on Saturday November 2, 2013.
  • Winner has 48 hours to reply.
Good luck everyone!


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Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Curse of the Holidays by Joshua C. Fuller Book Blast - Win a $25 Amazon Gift Card!


Donovan VonBreak, demon god, thinks he will destroy the world of light when he cheats his way into power. But something unexpected happens: Vampires and angels find that they have many characteristics in common, and they make peace. An angel and a vampire even fall in love, leading to the birth of Cloud, who is half angel, half vampire. This turn of events infuriates VonBreak, and for fifty years, he studies vampires and angels, trying to find out how he can destroy light and usher in a new era of darkness. By corrupting Cloud’s brother, he gets closer to his goal. And when he banishes Cloud to a new world, he can almost taste victory. Cloud must now fight his inner darkness and the chaos engulfing this new world if he has any hope of saving his own. Join him as he battles demons and fights for peace in the first volume of Curse of the Holidays.

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Joshua C. Fuller is an accomplished artist who has always been fascinated by fantastic stories, including the works of J.R.R. Tolkein, J.K. Rowling and George Lucas. He hopes to one day create movies and video games.

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Terms & Conditions:
  • By entering the giveaway, you are confirming you are at least 18 years old.
  • One winner will be chosen via Rafflecopter to receive one $25 Amazon Gift Certificate or Paypal Cash.
  • This giveaway begins October 21 - November 1.
  • Winners will be contacted via email on Saturday November 2, 2013.
  • Winner has 48 hours to reply.
Good luck everyone!


Blog Tour Schedule 4
October 21
October 22
October 23
October 24
October 25
October 28
October 29
October 30
 October 31
November 1
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The Third Reason by J.B. Villegas Book Blast - Win a $25 Amazon Gift Card!


A story of love that was never meant to live yet refused to die … Set against the backdrop of one of the most tragic events in Philippine history—the imposition of the Martial Law Regime in 1972—and a seemingly innocent yet an equally enigmatic story for children, the novel focuses on Lisa Rubio, a woman haunted by her deprived childhood, a lost love, and a broken identity after her incarceration during the President Marcos regime. Resolute and strong-willed, she slowly resurrects from her bitterness and disillusionment against life’s baffling questions, the deceit and trappings of the adult world that she learned to despise. By excelling in academics and in her chosen career as a woman of science, she regains a sure footing and rebuilds her shattered self. But fate has other plans, in the person of a young man named Leo. Thus begins yet another painful journey of her self-doubt, psychological trepidation and moral dilemma. Lisa’s psychiatrist helps her navigate and dissect her emotional turmoil at falling for a boy half her age. “Here is a brilliant woman who studies the stars, who stands on the shoulders of Galileo, but peeps through the eyes of Ichabod,” as Dr. Mores allegorically described Lisa’s person. Yet, when despair takes her almost to the brink, salvation comes from an unexpected stranger—Professor Justin Pullin, a man whom Lisa distrusts. With stoic calm and gentle prudence, the professor leads Lisa through a deep introspection and to the wisdom behind suffering that is almost too heavy for the human heart to bear. Just when she resolves to make a right decision, a restless and capricious fate taunts her again: a strange twist of reality brings her and Leo together, and now that they are both adults, their restrained love is suddenly freed and opens like a floodgate. That fateful meeting, however, proves to be Lisa’s adamant yet ultimate act of love, a poignant redemption afforded her by the third reason.

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J. B. Villegas lives in Texas, where she enjoys watching her tomatoes grow. She holds the degree, Doctor of Dental Medicine.  

Win a $25 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash!

Terms & Conditions:
  • By entering the giveaway, you are confirming you are at least 18 years old.
  • One winner will be chosen via Rafflecopter to receive one $25 Amazon Gift Certificate or Paypal Cash.
  • This giveaway begins October 15 - October 26.
  • Winners will be contacted via email on Saturday October 27, 2013.
  • Winner has 48 hours to reply.
Good luck everyone!


blog tour schedule
Monday, October 14
Tuesday, October 15
Wednesday, October 16
Thursday, October 17
Friday, October 18
Monday, October 21
Tuesday, October 22
Wednesday, October 23
Thursday, October 24
Friday, October 25
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The Restless Wind and Shifting Sands by Harry J. Sweeney Book Blast - Win a $25 Gift Card



With 1.4 billion practicing Muslims in the world it is necessary for all to better understand the culture and belief system. In The Restless Wind and Shifting Sands, author and Islamic scholar Harry J. Sweeney explains the intricacies and tenets of Islam. The educational discourse provides insight into the religion practiced by one out of five people worldwide. The Restless Wind and Shifting Sands explores the Islamic culture through a series of fictionalized private conversations between three friends—Modi, Mani, and Radi—who each represents the moderate, mainstream, and radical factions. Through their daily talks, the friends tackle all phases of Muslim life including arranged marriages, Islamic law, female genital mutilation, predestination, honor killing, Palestine, shariah, and the Qur’an. The men discuss how each belief drives Islamic culture and relations with non-believers. Filled with a wealth of information, the exchanges between friends seek to impart a better understanding of Islam and the challenges it poses for Western civilization. The Restless Wind and Shifting Sands communicates that the Islamic religion can contain its fundamentalist elements and work toward a peaceful future.

Purchase your copy:




Harry J. Sweeney attended Yale University, studying at the Yale Institute of Far Eastern Languages. He is an experienced researcher, columnist, and radio analyst specializing in the world of Islam and in global terrorism. Sweeney’s columns have received U.S. and foreign praise for technical accuracy and human interest.

Win a $25 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash!

Terms & Conditions:
  • By entering the giveaway, you are confirming you are at least 18 years old.
  • One winner will be chosen via Rafflecopter to receive one $25 Amazon Gift Certificate or Paypal Cash.
  • This giveaway begins October 21 - November 1.
  • Winners will be contacted via email on Saturday November 2, 2013.
  • Winner has 48 hours to reply.
Good luck everyone!


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