Thursday, September 3, 2020

Interview with Mavis McKnight, Author of THE MIS-EDUCATION OF THE CHURCH GIRL

Mavis McKnight is a candid, caring, and passionate Certified Sex Coach and Marriage Advocate. She is on a mission to educate, empower, and inspire Christian wives to enrich their sexual relationship. She encourages women to embrace their sexuality, learn to be creative, and bring more fun and excitement to their intimate lives. Her goal is to teach women to add flavor and spice to their sex life, blend sex positive messages with actions, and create tantalizing sexual experiences that burst with sweetness.

Some of the areas she coaches are:
  • Little or no interest in sex
  • Problems getting or holding an erection
  • Problems ejaculating too soon
  • Never experienced an orgasm
  • Can’t orgasm with a partner
  • Body Image Issues
  • Sexual inhibitions
  • Uneven desire
  • Little or no sex skills
  • Desire for enhanced pleasure
Additionally, she explores the areas of:
  • More fun and fulfilling sex
  • Planning romantic and erotic dates
  • Taking the stress, distress, and worry out of sex
  • Kicking sexual frustration to the curb
  • Speaking up boldly for your sexual needs
  • Deep soulful connections
  • Intimacy inside and outside of the bedroom
She has conducted numerous workshops, seminars, marriage classes, and bible studies for over eleven years; provided counseling and coaching in marriage and relationships for over 10 years; Earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology; a Master’s Degree in Human Services; She is a Certified Sex Coach and Clinical Sexologist, a Certified Life Coach, Published author, and Co-Founder and CEO of Intimate Connections.
When Mavis is not bubbling over with passion to teach about sex, she enjoys dancing, traveling, reading, laughing, music, spending time with her handsome, adorable, loving husband and family, and having her grandkids over for a sleep-over…sometimes. 😊


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Thank you for this interview!  I’d like to know more about you as a person first.  What do you do when you’re not writing?

Let’s see. I’m laughing, dancing, listening to music, hanging out with my hubby in and out of the bedroom, lol, running a church with my Pastor husband, traveling, spending some time with my sibs, and teaching women and couples how to make their sex life pop with fun, sizzle, and excitement!

When did you start writing?

The crazy thing about that, is as I became more “seasoned”, wiser, and more self-aware, I would just write down certain experiences that were meaningful to me. So, I never considered myself a writer in the sense of it being my passion and heartbeat. When I decided to actually write to be published, I found out just how much I didn’t know about being a writer and if I even wanted to do it.

As a published author, what would you say was the most pivotal point of your writing life?

The most pivotal point in my writing life was learning how much I didn’t know about the writing process, and how much work was involved. When I decided to write my first book, Secrets of a Good Wife: Sex Truths and Other Marriage Essentials, I went to a 3-day writing retreat in Denver CO.

I am from L.A. and once I returned home, I was totally disillusioned and thought I would write my book in 30 days. Ha! Well that didn’t happen. It actually took me 2 years from writing and publishing my book and I tell you, I had a love/hate affair with the whole thing.

If you could go anywhere in the world to start writing your next book, where would that be and why?

Since my books are mostly about marriage and sex, I would love to go someplace sexy and full of sensuality, like Tahiti or Hawaii to get inspiration. I would love to be enveloped in beauty of that type of vibe, sexy, sensual, seductive, idyllic, inviting, what I call paradise, which is also how I describe sexual intimacy.

I am sure being there would move something deep within me and bring out something special I didn’t even know was there.

If you had 4 hours of extra time today, what would you do?

If I had 4 extra hours today, I would drive to Palm Springs where my Hubby is working and surprise him with a “lip smacking” lunch date.

Where would you like to set a story that you haven’t done yet?

Italy. One year for my birthday my Hubby took me to a place in Long Beach that offered Gondola rides. I lived in LB for years and never knew anything about it. We boarded the gondola and rode along a path that gave us a taste and feel of Italy. The gondolier sang to us and every time we crossed under a bridge, we had to kiss each other. I loved that because it stirred the hopeless romantic in me!

Back to your present book, The Mis-Education of the Church Girl: Revealing Truths about Sex, Sexuality, and Self-love” how did you publish it?

I self-published the original copy, but needed to add more pop and appeal to the inside. Soon after, someone invited me to a Facebook group where one of the moderators posted a beautiful flyer and a journal she had designed. I reached out to her and we connected.
I hired her company, IBG Publishing, and she not only redesigned and published my journal but also helped to expand my brand, and increase my social media presence. I celebrated with a Virtual Launch party, July 3, 2020!
In writing your book, did you travel anywhere for research?

Only to my bookshelf of resources and to my own knowledge and experience!

Why was writing The Mis-Education of the Church Girl: Revealing Truths about Sex, Sexuality, and Self-love” so important to you?

First and most importantly, because it is a calling directly from the Most High-God in case there’s any confusion.

Once I was given this incredible honor, I learned that for years, women had been losing in their sex lives, suffering in silence, but also crying out to God in their pain. That hurt my heart because I want women to win in every area of their lives.

God heard their cries and has called Believers to the area of sexual wellness. That’s when it became not only my goal and passion but also my duty and obligation to teach women how to win in their sex lives.

In addition to being a Certified Sex Coach and Marriage Advocate I am also a Pastor’s wife. I believe, as Michele Obama said in her documentary, Becoming, God gave me this platform for a reason and I am not going to waste it!

Where do you get your best ideas and why do you think that is?

In the shower, lol! There is something about that water that arouses my creativity. The first few thoughts and ideas tumble into my soul and spirit then the waterfall begins! There are so many I have to select the ones that speak loudest to me. Then I ask God to please bring them back to my remembrance when I get out of the shower to write them down. And He always does!

Any final words?

I believe my journal, The Mis-Education of the Church Girl: Revealing Truths about Sex, Sexuality, and Self-love. A Personal Journal of Self-Discovery, will change so many lives, and sexual enjoyment for the Church Girl will no longer be elusive but finally be a rich and rewarding experience she will cherish and return to as often as her heart desires.

Thank you for interviewing me.

The Mis-Education of the church Girl is a Personal Journal of Self-Discovery that sheds light on damaging messages about sex, sexuality, and self-love.
This journal will help you:
  • Unpack negative beliefs about sex,
  • Uncover obstacles to sexual joy
  • Unleash your potential for sizzling and fulfilling sexual intimacy
It is loaded with journal activities, action steps, heart-opening exercises, amazing health benefits, and a few surprises to help move you toward a transformed mind and a new relationship with your sexual self.
Discover and embrace your right to pleasure!


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