Monday, March 14, 2022

Mailbox Monday (1)


Mailbox Monday is a gathering place for readers to share the books that came in their mailbox during the last week. Warning: Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles and humongous wish lists. 

Well, I don't just count books that came in the mail but also books that were purchased. And this week we had quite of few of each. 

Big Summer by Jennifer Weiner
The Storyteller by Jodi Picoult
Choke by Chuck Palahniuk
The Stupidest Angel by Christopher Moore
Whisper Network by Chandler Baker
Bad Things Happen Here by Rebecca Barrow
The Year of Pleasures by Elizabeth Berg
Bullet by Laurell K. Hamilton
No Country for Old Men by Cormac McCarthy
After You by Jojo Moyes
Sometimes I Lie by Alice Feeney
The Chicken Sisters by KJ Dell'Antonia
Sisters in Arms by Kaia Alderson

It is hard to decide what book to read next when there are so many good ones, not just in this list but on my ever growing shelves. What are you reading now?

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Sunday, March 13, 2022

The Sunday Post (3)



Not much sleep happening lately. I am starting a new job next Monday after only being at the one I am at now for a few months. This is not how I roll, but with vacation and insurance I feel like this is something I have to do. 

I'm REALLY missing my Mom lately. She was the only parent I ever had and my rock at all times. I feel alone, even though I am surrounded by friends and family who love me. It just is an empty spot that I am not sure will ever be filled. 

Recently finished The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah. I knew as soon as I picked it up I would enjoy it. Just a great author, one I need to read as much as I can by. I am still behind in reviews, hopefully will get to them soon.

Currently reading 

The It Girl by Ruth Ware (NetGalley) and

I am looking forward to starting The Dictionary of Lost Words by Pip Williams. It is part of a buddy read so that always helps 

Can't wait to see what you are reading or are going to be reading!

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