It's been a somewhat stressful time lately and I don't see that changing any time soon. Work is not what I want it to be and am hoping that it improves. But, the biggest thing happening is my oldest is graduating from high school in a few days. I am not sure where the time has gone and while I am so proud of her, I am sad knowing that my little girl is really not so little anymore. Add that to the fact that my Mom s not here for it, it just makes it that much harder.
I also feel like I am in a reading slump lately - also not normal for me. I am currently reading Mad Honey by Jodi Picoult and Jennifer Finney Boylan. It is good and I am interested in the plot. It's not them, it's me for sure.
Currently reading (Netgalley)
The Dinner by Herman Koch (paperback)
Can't wait to see what you are reading or are going to be reading!