Title: Spiritual Steps on the Road to Success
Author: Linda Seger, Th.D.
Release Date: September 8, 2015
Publisher: Haven Books
Genre: Religion & Spirituality
Format: Ebook/Paperback
Spiritual Steps on the Road to Success is available for order at
Did something specific happen to prompt you to write this book?
WHEN I was beginning my career, my spiritual issues revolved around learning to trust God, discerning my calling, trying to get over anxiety and trying to find some peace of mind in the middle of financial and career struggles. When I started to become successful and my business began to do very well - beyond my wildest dreams - I discovered a whole new set of spiritual issues that went with success. I had never seen a book written about these issues - so I wrote it.
Who is your biggest supporter?
My Husband who thinks I'm wonderful!
Do you have any rituals you follow when finishing a piece of work?
More expensive Champagne when I get a book sale and when the book comes out! Regular cheap champagne for good occasions along the way.
What are you currently working on?
I'm revising some of my previous books - updating them, adding chapters, etc. to Jesus Rode a Donkey, From Script to Screen: The collaborative art of filmmaking and later this year, When Women Call the Shots: the developing power and influence of Women in Television and Film.
Do you have any advice for writers or readers?
Have a writing discipline - whether it's 2 mornings A week, or weekends, or from 6-8 am - whatever you can do, but do it consistently.
Is there an author that inspired you to write?
The Nancy Drew novels. I decided to be A writer when I was 10 and wrote my first "novel" when I was 13 - called "Song of Four Sisters" and was a modernization of Little Women - but far shorter.
What are some of your long term goals?
I want to write more books! I have ideas for a number of other spiritual books - and feel I can connect with readers through many of the universal spiritual themes that relate to our lives.
What do you feel has been your greatest achievement as an author?
For my screenwriting books, a great achievement is influencing some of the most successful writers and directors in the film industry. Ron Howard said he has used my book, Making a Good Script Great on all his films, starting with Apollo 13. For my spiritual books - it's hearing that the book has been inspiring and made a difference in someone's life.
What do you feel is your biggest strength?
Not giving up!
Biggest weakness?
Trying to resolve every problem or frustration in my life, and in the chaotic world. I keep working on having a sense of Peace around problems and turning things over to God right away - not after I churn with it for a week or month or longer.
What do you feel sets this book apart from others in the same genre?
I'm Not sure there are other books on this topic.I have been told by readers that every page rings true and is clearly lived experience.
You know the scenario – you’re stuck on an island. What book would you bring with you and why?
I'd bring 2 books - the Bible and Shakespeare's complete works. The Bible contains all the great stories and themes and insight into the human and divine condition and inspiration for getting through. Shakespeare has so many of the great themes of human experience - and he said everything so well and with such depth and subtext. One could spend many years mining his treasures.
Is there anything you regret doing/not doing?
I made a decision in my 20's that I wanted to live life without regrets. I went back to horse-back riding in 1991 because I knew I would regret if it if I didn't - and did one-week riding vacations for 12 years, got my first horse when I was 58 and did competitive horse shows for 10 years.
For More Information Visit Linda at his website
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