This memoir describes the challenges a young man faces in achieving his dream of becoming a veterinarian. Even a period of homelessness and limited resources do not interfere with his commitment to achieve success. And this is only the beginning! Soon he is faced with the challenges of working in the jungles of Panama, facing the ravages of a roaming black jaguar and the defenses of a native village against the entrance of man or beast. Then, how about Haiti, where the Tonton Macoute militias believe in instant justice, rarely valuing life, or Columbia, where the drug lords have absolute rule. As if that isn’t enough, consider working in the African continent, along the tales surrounding the first shipment of Charolais cattle to the United States or the many facets of working with the wild mustangs in Colorado. Each exciting adventure is told with suspense, drama, and humor! Enjoy!
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Could you please tell us a little about your book?
“The Ark’s Cargo” is a memoir of an International Veterinarian. The action for this award winning book is unique in many ways. It includes action packed accounts of the author working in the poverty stricken areas of Haiti, the jungles of Panama, areas of Columbia controlled by the drug lords, along the road to Timbuktu in Mali, with the Maasai in Kenya, the animal health authorities in the Philippines and South Korea, as well as the Wild Mustangs in Colorado and Nevada.
Did something specific happen to prompt you to write this book?
Having four children that I dearly love, it soon became clear that I needed to somehow share with them my profound love for animals as well as the importance of us all working together to improve the health, welfare, and productivity of animals for future generations to enjoy.
Who or what is the inspiration behind this book?
“The Ark’s Cargo” is filled with the excitement, drama, suspense and humor of working with animals in a multitude of diverse circumstances that will often keep the adrenaline pumped to a heightened level as the reader anticipates how each adventure and challenge might be addressed. Unfortunately, as in life, there are occasions when success is not achieved. And yet, the lesions learned are important for all concerned.
Who is your biggest supporter?
“The Ark’s Cargo: For the Love of Animals” has been endorsed by numerous organizations as an enjoyable, inspiring and educational read. As the College of Veterinary Medicine Dean at Kansas State University, Dr. Ralph C. Richardson noted, “It is written in a way that, even readers with no interest in veterinary medicine or disease regulation can enjoy it and be drawn into the anticipation of how the next challenge that Dr. Buisch encounters will be met. The author does an amazing job of weaving his personal and professional perspectives into each chapter. Once started, it is one of those books that is hard to put down. Drawing from his real life experiences, the author blends humor and seriousness together in a way that makes the book not only a joy to read but one I want to recommend to others.”
Your biggest critic?
My son-in-law is clearly my biggest critic in that while he finds “The Ark’s Cargo” an interesting, enjoyable read, he questions my including my thanks to God when I survive a major obstacle such as a major storm at sea or the shield and spear of an angry native in the jungles of Panama. He believes I should have deleted all references to religion including those noted in Ethiopia or with the Maasi in Kenya. To me they are a part of my being and as such should be included where appropriate.
What cause are you most passionate about and why?
From my perspective, fighting disease (whether human or animal disease) is like being in a war zone! The battles are quite complex and not easily resolved. The war against disease involves strategies, battle lines, and committed troops to achieve success. And that often takes time, resources and persistence by all who are involved. Disease is an enemy that on occasion must be faced head on and in such instances can be an unfortunate and truly tragic experience for all!
In the last year have you learned or improved on any skills?
Definitely, there is always a multitude of skills that need to be learned at any point in life. At the age of sixty-nine, I find it fascinating and a real joy to write books for the reading pleasure of the general public. Delving into new perspectives and researching the background and history behind these perspectives while adding my own take brings me new levels of heightened energy and joy. This is especially true in the development of ideas that could possibly be of benefit to society now and in the near future. At a minimum, I am thrilled when a reader rejoices with me in the discovery of new possibilities, opportunities and/or options that, from our joint perspective have a real chance of making a difference in our thinking not only today and but every day we are alive!
Inspired by biblical passages and teachings, the author cherished his work as an international veterinarian. His passion for improving the health and welfare of domesticated and wild animals is most noteworthy. Working within diverse cultures, he observed vast health improvements in animals and, as a result, in people living nearby.Win a $25 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash!
Terms & Conditions:
- By entering the giveaway, you are confirming you are at least 18 years old.
- One winner will be chosen via Rafflecopter to receive one $25 Amazon Gift Certificate or Paypal Cash.
- This giveaway begins September 9 - January 3
- Winners will be contacted via email on January 4 2014.
- Winner has 48 hours to reply.
Good luck everyone!
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