The Diary of a Nobody is a real-time novel, updated daily at www.writersshack.com. It begins in October, 2013 and was inspired by a 19th century British novel of the same name. Gaylon Kent, 49, is an American writer. In addition to The Diary of a Nobody, Gaylon has written the novel The Regular Guys and Backstairs at the Monte Carlo: A Vegas Memoir. He also writes the columns The Daily Dose and The Bottom Ten. All of Gaylon’s work is available exclusively at www.writersshack.com.
What was the inspiration for The Diary of a Nobody?
A 19th
century British book of the same name. It was written by two brothers and the
main character was an average British bloke passing an average life. It found
very compelling and saw no reason why a 21st century version would
not be equaling compelling.
The diary
started in the fall of 2013 and is updated daily at www.writersshack.com. The first year is
also available in both hard cover and paperback.
Why did you think a diary about an average person
would be compelling today?
There is so
much that is funny and relevant and sometimes poignant in everyday life.
Sometimes us humans can get caught up in the doings of famous people and tend
to think only things that make you famous are worthwhile, when nothing is
further from the truth.
For my money,
that is what you pay us writers to do: find the good and the funny and the
worthwhile in the human experience. The
Diary of a Nobody does a funny, entertaining job of that.
Any writers you feel do that particularly well?
Louis L’Amour
has always done that very well. His insights into the human experience are a
What are you most proud of accomplishing so far in
your life?
Oh there are a
variety of accomplishments that please me.
One is finding
a good wife. I married rather late and am pleased I did because good women only
marry good men, so I must not be a complete reprobate.
Two, I put a
lot of work into being a high school sports official, and I’ve been blessed
with a rewarding career. I’ve worked more than my share of major division
championship games over the years. It’s always nice to see hard work rewarded.
Three, I am
proud of what I write. Every word you read comes from the heart.
How has your upbringing influenced your writing?
Growing up had
a profound impact on what I’ve become, both as a person and a writer.
I had a pretty
boring two-parent, middle class childhood in Los Angeles. Both Mom and Dad told
me, fairly often, I could be whatever I wanted in this life and I saw no reason
not to believe them. They never told me to stop daydreaming or to stop doing
the silly, make believe things kids do. For example, the imaginary friend some
kids have was always treated as a family member, which may explain why a Beanie
Baby squirrel named Rabies and an Al Einstein finger puppet are on my desk and
have regular conversations with me.
So my creative
side was never stunted. It was allowed to blossom and flourish.
Also, at both
school and where I played ball we were told that all of us had talents, that
every one of us could do something well. I had 13 years of Lutheran schooling
and we were told these were God’s gifts to us and we must get the most out of
When and why did you begin writing?
I’ve always
enjoyed writing, but I did not begin writing seriously until my mid-20’s, when
I wrote an awful novel called Sam Rider,
Private Detective. I was pursuing a career as a radio announcer at the
time, and later I found myself laid off and took a job as a newspaper reported
at a small paper in California.
This was good.
The pressures of a deadline and of writing every day was just what I needed,
and I highly recommend a tour in the journalism racket for all young writers. Its
benefits were enormous.
After that I
never stopped writing. I’ve always written for myself because Thoreau teaches
if we write for ourselves we are always assured of an audience, and my career
has evolved from there.
Do you recall how your interest in writing originated?
It was an
interest planted in me at birth. What’s almost interesting, however, is growing
up I wanted to be a radio announcer. Pretty bad, too. I pursued that when I got
out of the navy but I wasn’t very good so I didn’t get too far.
Being an avid
reader helped, too. I’ve been reading since I was five and reading good writing
helped develop the desire to create good books of my own.
When did you first know you could be a writer?
In high school there were two instances. I edited the school paper
and, of course, wrote my share of stories and I found writing to be fun. It was
never drudgery and I always looked forward to my next article.
Also, for an English class we had to review a play. I was too lazy
to actually go and see a play, so I made something. Fortunately, I went to a
private high school and did not live near either the school or the teacher or
my classmates, and this was well before the Internet, so it would’ve taken a
lot of work to verify my reviews.
I made it all up and got a B+ for something that should’ve been
real but was complete fiction.
So I’ve always known. We all have our talents. I can’t change the
oil in your car, but I can entertain you with a good book.
What inspires you to write and why?
Getting up
every morning. As I like to say, every person you meet is a character, and
every encounter is a plot.
This is
literally true. Whether it’s someone you know well or someone you see passing
on the street that you will never see again, a reader might be surprised at
where inspiration comes from.
A writer must
be open to whatever nature and circumstance put in front of them, because
experience is what we draw on when saying what needs to be said. A writer who
is not open to nature and circumstance is not doing him or his readers any good
and for my money isn’t even writing, but merely typing.
What genre are you most comfortable writing?
I enjoy
writing diaries. Besides The Diary of a
Nobody, my book Backstairs at the
Monte Carlo: A Vegas Memoir, is a diary of my time as a security officer
working graveyard, of all things, at the Monte Carlo Hotel and Casino on the
Las Vegas Strip.
difference, of course, is The Diary of a
Nobody is a novel. Backstairs is
a memoir.
Otherwise, I enjoy
writing novels, and I enjoy writing my columns The Daily Dose and The Bottom
I didn’t have
to go searching for what genre fit me best, either. My instincts have always
told me what I should be writing.
What inspired you to write your first book?
My missing
I was a radio
announcer in a small California town in my 20’s. My brother was in the Marines
and already showing the signs of the problems that would take his life years
later and one day my Mom called saying he hadn’t been heard from for several
days. Myself and a buddy went looking for him.
My first
novel, Sam Rider, Private Detective was
the result.
Sam Rider, Private Detective wasn’t very
good, though I thought it was at the time. The last time I mustered the courage
to read it, several years ago when I was moving, I remember thinking, “Boy,
this is lousy”.
By the by, Sam
Rider would later be an FBI agent in my novel The Regular Guys.
Who or what influenced your writing once you
Outside of the
people and experiences that have made me who I am, writers I like tend to
influence me. Gore Vidal, Rex Stout, Henry David Thoreau, WEB Griffin, and
Garrison Keillor. There are others, of course.
This is
especially true because I am completely self-educated beyond high school.
What do you consider the most challenging about writing
a novel, or about writing in general?
Actually doing
it. Writing a novel is such an investment of time and effort that a lot of
things once important are less important. A supportive s spouse is key here,
because if a spouse is always whining about wanting to go do things a writer is
not going to accomplish too much.
Did writing this book teach you anything and what
was it?
The biggest
lesson is to win the fight to say what you feel needs to be said. There are so
many obstacles to this, especially if you are dependent on writing to earn your
living, because it is easy to say this to earn your fee when you’d rather be
saying that.
Do you intend to make writing a career?
I will write
till the day I die. I am working hard to ensure others hear my voice, but if
not, that’s OK, too.
Have you developed a specific writing style?
Yes, but it I
can’t put it into words except to say it is very distinctive and very Gaylon.
It is the product of years of work.
What is your
greatest strength as a writer?
I am funny and
I don’t think I waste words. I think I do a good job of making every word
count. You do not want to waste your readers’ time.
A reader once
said I name characters well. This is funny because an appropriate name usually
presents itself immediately. It’s rare when I have to think a lot about what to
name a character.
Can you give us an example?
Sure. In a
book I’ve written but have yet to publish called Swords in the Narthex, there is a character named Brad Wyler. This
name took three-four days to come up with. I wanted something simple yet
distinctive, something all-American. His original name was Matt Alexander, a
name I was prepared to go with until Brad Wyler popped up.
The main character in Diary is named Sparrow. Where did that come from?
In Backstairs at the Monte Carlo: A Vegas
Memoir there is a character named X-Ray because all characters in the book
go by either a last name or a nickname. X-Ray’s name is Sparrow. The character
is not otherwise based on Sparrow at all, but the name felt right from the
Sparrow does not seem to have a first name. Why?
I haven’t
found one necessary. Part of it is also because the original Sparrow only went
by that name. He never used his first name.
There is
precedent for this. In The Regular Guys Lenny
and Larry do not have last names because they were never necessary.
What is your favorite quality about yourself?
Personally? I
am a funny guy and have a great deal of patience.
What is your least favorite quality about
Don’t tell
anyone, but I can be the greatest procrastinator in human history.
What is your favorite quote, by whom, and why?
This will vary from time to time,
frankly. There are several I value equally highly.
This is one of them:
He forged
fiercely a path for his truth, until at last kings, popes and emperors catered
to him, thrones trembled before him and half the world listened to catch his
every word.
This is from Will Durant, writing
about Voltaire. Thrones may or may not tremble before me, but I write every day
hoping half the world will one day catch my every word.
There can be no other goal for a
writer, frankly. Any writer who does not believe with all his heart every
person on this planet must read his work is not writing, he’s typing.
In past lives Gaylon has been, among other things, a radio announcer and a newspaper reporter, as well as working security at the Monte Carlo and Venetian/Palazzo hotels in Las Vegas and working a Brinks armored truck. Gaylon was the Colorado Libertarian Party’s nominee for United States Senate in 2014, finishing third in a six-person race with a bit more than 52,000 votes. He is a two-time graduate of the Harry Wendelstedt School for Umpires and is an accomplished high school sports official. Gaylon served on an old diesel submarine, the USS Blueback, in the Navy and still like his grandfather, Gaylon C Kent, commands his American Legion post. Gaylon and his wife Marian live in Hayden, Colorado. He is originally from Los Angeles. He enjoys a wine pairing from time to time and is known to not wash his coffee mug.
For More Information
- Visit Gaylon's website.
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