Author: Mike Phillips
Genre: Science Fiction/Post Apocalyptic
Publisher: Eternal Press
Pages: 291
Purchase at AMAZON
It’s the end of the world, but a new beginning for humanity. The war has lasted for generations. In this technological age, no longer must humans risk their lives in combat. Fierce robots operated by remote control make up the bulk of the militaries. Satellites in the atmosphere render the heavens a frenzy of violent confrontation. However, the war has little effect on everyday life. The bloodshed is minimal, the disruption to commerce even less. It is a comfortable war. Most of the populace believe they have nothing to fear. Little they know their world is about to come to an end.
of Ages: The war has lasted for generations. In this technological age,
no longer must humans risk their lives in combat. Fierce robots operated by
remote control make up the bulk of the militaries. Satellites in the atmosphere
render the heavens a frenzy of violent confrontation. But the war has little
effect on everyday life. The bloodshed is minimal, the disruption to commerce
even less. It is a comfortable war. Most of the populace believes they have
nothing to fear. Little they know their world is about to come to an end.
Please join me at
What are you
most proud of accomplishing so far in your life?
Success for me is when I’ve told the
story, polished it to a shine, and have that little voice in my head telling me
that it’s done. It’s a feeling of accomplishment like no other.
How has your
upbringing influenced your writing?
I grew up on a small farm in West Michigan. In addition to hard
work and responsibility, my father gave me a very special gift. Each year
during summer vacation, the television, affectionately referred to as “The
Idiot Box”, was turned off. This meant that when not tending sheep, mending
fences, gardening, building furniture, chopping wood, or goofing off, my
summers were spent reading.
When and why
did you begin writing?
It was in the first grade that my illustrious writing career
began. Though this may seem an early age to develop such lofty aspirations, I
none-the-less published my first book, The
Robot, which warned of the dangers of corporate espionage and the impending
economic hardships these below board activities often cause, especially from
the often overlooked threat of the vast Canadian financial empire. This book is
available still in its single copy edition, bound in its original, quite
fetching, brown imitation-leather cover from the Whitehall Elementary School
Library Press.
From those grand beginnings, I found that my writing career, as
so often happens to such promising young authors as myself, lapsed. Writing had
to take a back seat to my formal education. During this time my soul wailed for
the opportunity to express itself. I was in misery. This was the darkest time
in my career. The second grade was bad. The third grade was the worst. The
fourth grade was the worst too. Then the fifth grade was the most worstiest. I
don’t know how I would have survived this time if not for peanut butter and
pear sandwiches.
The sixth grade, however, saw a revival of my career. Recognized
for my grand talents, I was commissioned to compose a work that was to bear the
title, All About Me. Enthralled with
the topic, I researched tirelessly, all in an attempt to find what it really,
really meant to be me. I kept at the project for nearly two months, remaining
within the strict guidelines provided to me by my unidentified patron. I wrote,
illustrated, and bound the piece all myself as were the dictates of the
project, a surprising twenty-three pages of text in total.
To my superlative disappointment, I found that, upon completion,
after all my hard work, my diligent effort, my hard work, and my still
additional hard work, that no less than one hundred and twenty eight others,
from my own school and academic grade no less, were poised to snatch that very
assignment away from me. That they unfortunately did. I found that, like so
many other things, this project was not really all about me as its title
implied, but all about anything but me. I wasn’t paid for my efforts. No copies
other than what I had developed myself were ever made. And the only editorial
notes I received were the obligatory, “Good Job!”, some cryptic letter (A-) and
the comment that my family tree was not in the proper format. Well after this
crushing blow, it was difficult for me to take pen to paper again for some very
long time.
Arising from my creative slump, I would say that the next major
event in my career occurred in my freshman English class. Yes, I foolishly
returned to the idea that an education would serve me well in my life as an
adult, that it was through knowledge that I would improve myself as an
individual and citizen. Though this idea
would once again prove to be folly, I was, at the time, convinced that only in
higher education would I ever make anything of myself. Well, it was in my
Freshman English class that the next pothole came in the winding country road
that is my writing career. I composed an essay, which was the only essay to be
read aloud to the class during the entire semester. I was proud but once again
not compensated for my efforts. I must attribute that minuscule resurgence of
my career to the subject matter of the essay. I wrote about the feeding habits
of domestic sheep, which is inherently amusing, especially since no one writes
about sheep anymore; unless, that is, with some derogatory, sexual overtones
which I find it appalling to speak of.
During these college years, I took non-literary work to pay for
such obligatory items as tuition, books, room, food, clothing, electricity,
whiskey and so on, in an environmental analysis laboratory. In this vocation I
preformed badly at a number of tasks requiring skills of accuracy and precision
that I do not possess. Though this
particular fact is not directly related to my writing career, it is, I think,
essential to the telling of my story.
After school, I continued writing privately, for the first time
doing something that was all about me. Also at this time, I embarked upon what
some have labeled as my professional career. Though my official title has been
Loss Control Representative, a more apt title would be Safety Guy. I have
received some local fame for my activities in this capacity. This is due
mostly, I believe, to the fact that in my Hazard Communication class I perform
live demonstrations in which I blow shit up! In my professional capacity I am
also very involved with the development of educational safety materials. I have
had rave reviews for these efforts including…
“This really
doesn’t suck.” -Anonymous
“Pass the hog
hocks, would you?”
“I wasn’t as
bored as I thought I would be.” -Unknown
“It could have
been worse.” -Mom
So far my literary career has been the joke I have made it out
to be. I have spent my free time writing like a madman since as long as I can
remember, and I decided about six months ago that maybe I should try publishing
my work. I hope whoever has the patience to read this short biography finds
some small pleasure in it.
Thank you for your indulgence… MP
When did you
first know you could be a writer?
Writing was certainly
nothing I ever planned for in my life. It started when I was just out of
college. I was working my first real job, and getting a little bored I must confess.
Snippets of story started popping into my head. The only way I could get the
ideas to leave me alone was to write the story. At the time, I had no
intentions of getting my stories published and no illusions about success. One
story turned into two, then three, then a score. At that point, I thought it
might be fun to see if I could get a story published. My first story, Junkyard Haze was published in the now
defunct Enigma. Then I thought about
taking on a new challenge, a novel length work. Writing a novel is, as many of
your readers can understand, a monumental accomplishment and I had no idea what
I was getting myself into. I loved every minute. Now here I am with a ton of
short stories, two published novels and another novel on the way. Life is so weird.
What inspires
you to write and why?
Nature, the world
around me, is my true inspiration. I can’t tell you how many of my stories
began with a low hanging cloud or a rustle in the bushes. I find miracles in
everything around me. The Earth is a wonderful place and I try to express that
beauty in my work.
What genre are
you most comfortable writing?
When it comes to
genre, I’m all over the map. In my short stories, I write a lot of Fantasy,
Dark Fantasy and Horror. Most of my stories also have an element of romance or
at least friendship. That’s what life is all about, after all, our
relationships. My first book, Reign of
the Nightmare Prince was a Dark Fantasy/Sci-Fi. The World Below is an Urban Fantasy with elements of horror to
spooky things up. My third book, Dawn of
Ages is a pure Science Fiction.
Who or what
influenced your writing once you began?
The poetry
of WB Yates has been a big influence on my writing. I love the imagery. My
style of writing is most influenced by James Lee Burke. Beyond that, I must
give a nod to Dean Koontz. He taught me how to write suspense, how to draw out
key moments to make the action more dramatic.
What do you
consider the most challenging about writing a novel, or about writing in
toughest part about writing for me is marketing and staying in touch with my
readers. I feel a deep sense of gratitude to all those people who have
supported my work over the years. I wish I was better at telling them how much
I appreciate their loyalty. I also have a sense of obligation to my publishers.
Taking a chance on an unknown like me is a huge financial risk. I feel that I
need to be better at supporting what they are trying to do in promotions and
sales. I’m afraid that all too often I fall short of expectations in this
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